eCommerce Strategy Workshop with the Team at Capital Brewing Co.

Working together we uncovered so many exciting opportunities on how to grow the brand online.
It was a great face-paced, inspiring, and fun day.
Read more about the strategies we developed and other great take outs from the day below.

Founders and Team at Capital Brewing Co with Chana Imsirovic at Owl and Monk.

"Chana from Owl & Monk ran a fantastic workshop for us on e-commerce full of good vibes and smart engaging chat. As a business we had discussed the importance of e-commerce as a sales and communication channel but Chana really solidified this.
At the end of the workshop we had a clear set of objectives to push forward with and a list of tactics to get us there. Follow up notes and next steps post workshop were great to keep the momentum going.
I'd highly recommend Chana to anyone looking to learn more about e-commerce, who are looking to introduce it to their business or to further integrate it with advanced tactics."
- Jonny Day, Marketing Manager Capital Brewing Co.
Why we conducted the workshop:
This workshop was designed to bring the team together to focus on the opportunities that lie ahead and unearthed different perspectives from each team member (Founders, Marketing, eCommerce and Operations Managers) to help shape their eCommerce strategy for implementation.
Working together we discussed their strategic goals, challenges, existing systems and processes and mapped out an approach to optomise their eCommerce website. Working together we established motivation and priorities for technical implementation for the next 12months.
We also spoke about:
Trends and Opportunities that impact the Beer Industry, COVID, Customer Behavior, Shipping, Brand Point of Difference, Sustainability and a live Website Review.
Here is a snapshot of some of the trends and resources we discussed in the workshop.
Source Future Brew 2031 by Independent Brewers Australia.
Source: eCommerce Trends Report 2022 by Australia Post
Source: eCommerce Trends Report 2022 by Australia Post
Source: eCommerce Trends Report 2022 by Australia Post
Is this helpful to you?
Contact Chana if you would like a eCommerce Strategy Workshop conducted for your business.