Virtual Meet-up - Building our community of global women who use Shopify

Success ! We just hosted the first⚡️Shopify Women's Network virtual meetup. ⚡️
I am excited to have connected and met 34 like minded women who use Shopify.

A quick summary we had 34 women on the call, located in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, USA - A even mix of Merchants, Tech and Services Partners and 8 women from Shopify! 

I found it fascinating that quite a few of our members specialise in providing ecommerce services but are also selling online. I am a merchant as well and have found the experience of selling online invaluable giving me a new perspective of the challenges my clients go through. 

Our panelists Jade MackayJenneviere VillegasGilda VillaseñorEmily Forrest and Jackie Yap did an amazing job, such interesting insights on life, survival during COVID, Shopify Tips and Tricks.

Curb-side Pickup is one of my favourite new enhancements for Shopify and the ecommerce industry. Not only is it enabling people to buy in a safe environment but enables mothers with kids, people with disabilities and elderly to get what they need quick and easily. I believe it will be a feature that will stay beyond COVID and will continue to evolve and improve our shopping experience. 

Chat - I was stoked to see the chat was so interactive, here are a few highlights. 



A few of my favourite comments from the chat, probably reads funny as out of content…

I don't think businesses can survive these days without being online - wholesale is no longer enough
Suzanne Carroll of Cool Clutch

Businesses need to maximise all available channels, especially small businesses.Jennifer Hattingh

I like to call them “Lifestyle Descriptions” - let the customer know exactly what they will FEEL like when they have the product.Nikki Thibodeau

Reviews are huge! .. takes twelve positive reviews to “make up” for one negative review for the average ecommerce buyer!Chloe Fisher

I think it's really important to separate work/home. It is hard to do thoughAmy Nicola

*mimosas for everyone!*
Jenneviere Villegas

ReUnite was sensational! Totally worth the 1am wake up in Australia
Carmel Wooding

Women’s overall positivity, growth and success increase when they’re surrounded by a collective of women, focused on the same goal.

If you are a woman who uses Shopify in some way or have a team member, partner or friend who needs support or is a leader in eCommerce please share an open invitation to them to join us. 

To join the Slack group email me directly [email protected]

Join the Shopify Women’s Network on LinkedIn here

#shopify #shopifyplus #shopifyexperts #shopifypartners #shopifystore #shopifywomen #shopifyreunite

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