Strategy, Website Maintenance and Implementation

Sale price Price $242 Regular price

Tax included.

Once your website is live it’s important to maintain it well and with our help you can keep it up to date and continuously improve how it operates. Working together we can maintain your website to ensure performance, security, content, images and stock levels are up to date thereby keeping your website vibrant and on trend. We can also strategically plan, monitor, revise and implement new technology and innovate your practices so that you can sell more and grow your business online.

Pay by the hour:

Consultancy and small jobs may be charged at an hourly rate and will be invoiced at the time of service.

Fee: $220+GST/ Hourly rate

Pre-paid service pack (6 hours)

This includes up to 6 hours of consultancy and technical implementation work and may include, but is not limited to: Strategy, Web development and implementation, Research, Liaising with service providers and suppliers, Training, Calls and Project Management services.

Fee: $1,260+GST